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  1. J. Economidou, O. Manousos, C. Pathouli, A. Nicolaou, J. K. Triantafillidis, A. Stergiou, D. Sbokou.    Common Variable hypogammaglobulinemia and malabsorption in Greece. 4th International Congress of Immunology, Paris, France, Abstact No 14.2.05.

  2. O. Manousos, J.Economidou, A. Nicolaou, J.Triantafillidis, C. Papadimitriou J. Vlachos.    Alpha-chain disease with recurrent immunocytomas: A twelve year follow-up.    Intern Sp of Hematology, European and African Division. 6th Meeting, Athens, 1981, Abstract's Book’ p. 281.

  3. P. Nicolopoulou, A. Emmanouilidis, J.K. Triantafillidis, O. Manousos.    Experimental study of the effect of cimetidine on the intracellular gastric mucosa glycoproteins and its associa-tion to cell protection against damage induced by aspirin. VII European Congress of Pathology, Helsinki, 1981, Abstract's Book’ p.42.

  4. O. Manousos, C. Papadimitriou, A. Emmanouilidis, J. Triantafillidis,    Ulcerative colitis and smoking.    XII International Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Congresses. Lisbon, Portugal, 1984, Abstract No 547

  5. J.K. Triantafillidis, A. Emmanouilidis, C. Papadimitriou, A. Nicolaou, O. Manousos.    Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's dise’se in Greece: Some epidemiological and clinical features.    2nd International Symposium on IBD, Jerusalem, Israel, 1985, Abstracts Book, p.85.

  6. J.K. Triantafillidis, O. Manousos, C. Papadimitriou, A. Emmanoulidis, A. Nicolaou, A. Mandindis.    Intensive intravenous treatment of severe attacks of ulcerative colitis in Greece.    International Symposium “Controversies in Inflam-matory Bowel Disease” Bolognia, Italy, 1987, Abstract’s Book p. 199.

  7. B. Dimitriou, K. Manousakis, M. Koubiadou, J.K. Triantafillidis.     Midazolame for basic sedation in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.    5th Internat. Congress, Belgian Society of Anesthesia & Reanimation Brussles, Belgium, 1988.

  8. J.K. Triantafillidis, C. Manousakis, J. Pagidis, G. Mountaneas, K. Droulias, C. Giamalakis.    Cutaneous delayed hypersensi-tivity in patients with colorectal cancer-application of multi-test.    European J Clinical Investigation 1989, 19:42.

  9. K. Tsamakidis, E. Lianidou, J.K. Triantafillidis, P A. Siskos.    Urine bile acid determination in patients with chirrosis of the liver and chronic active hepatitis. European J Clinical Investigation 1989, 19:38.

  10. J. K. Triantafillidis, K. Manousakis, K. Papatheodorou.    Long-term results and safety of the use of ornidazole in the active Crohn's dise’se. Scandinavian J Gastroenterology 1989, 24: (Suppl.) 143.

  11. J. K. Triantafillidis, K. Tsamakidis, E. Merikas.    Incidence of atopy, breast feeding, childhood infestations and use of oral contraceptives in Greek patients with ulcera-tive colitis and Crohn's dise’se.    Scandinavian J Gastroenterology 1989,24:(Suppl):77-78.

  12. J.K.Triantafillidis, E. Lianidou, K.Tsamakidis, P. Siskos.    Urine bile acids in patients with Inflammatory bowel disease.    Holland Digestive Disease Week, Amsterdam, 1989, Abstracts Book, p.93.

  13. J. K. Triantafillidis, A. Emmanouilidis, O. Manousos, C. Papadimitriou.    Surgery for Crohn's dise’se in Greece. (Oral Presentation)    2nd Mediterranean Surgical Congress, Athens, Greece and  Heraklion Crete, Greece, 1989, Abstracts Book p.151.  

  14. C. Manousakis, K. Papatheodorou, J. K. Triantafillidis, P. Benakis, J. Pagidis, G. Mountaneas, C. Tsafaras, G. Protoulis.   Prospective study of factors affecting the rate of recurrence in patients with colorectal cancer.    2nd International Converence on Gastrointestinal Cancer,  Jerusalem, Israel, 1989, Abstracts Book, p.45.

  15. J.K. Triantafillidis, K. Manousakis, K. Papatheodorou, P. Benakis.    Further experience with ornidazole, a promising drug for the treatment of active Crohn's dise’se.    First Mediterranean Medical Meeting, Heraclion, Crete, 1989. Abstracts Book p.99.

  16. K. Manousakis, E. Papavasiliou, J. K. Triantafillidis, V. Lissaios.    The role of computed tomography in the assessment of patients with abdominal actinomycosis.    First Mediterranean Medical Meeting, Heraklion, Crete, 1989, Abstracts Book, p.106.

  17. O. Manousos,  J. Economidou, J. K. Triantafillidis, C. Papadimitriou.    a-chain disease complicated with reccurent immunocytoma, Twenty year follow-up, Complete cure.    First Mediterranean Medical Meeting, Heraklion, Crete, 1989, Abstracts Book p. 96.

  18. J. K. Triantafillidis, P. Benakis, J. Mouzas, D. Nicolakis, C. Tsafaras, G. Mountaneas    Serum gastrin levels in patients with colorectal cancer and benign polyps of the large bowel.    24th Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation. Maastricht, The Nether-lands, 1990. E J Clin Invest, Abstract book, p:130

  19. J.K. Triantafillidis, J. Pagidis, L. Jordanidou, P. Koutsioumba, D. Nicolakis, E. Merikas, J. Mouzas.    Liver lesions: Comparative accuracy of imaging technics with special reference to Tc and Ga scanning.    The World Congresses of Gastroenterology, 1990, Sydney, Australia, Abstracts Book, No 1052.

  20. J.K. Triantafillidis, E. Georgacila, D. Nicolakis, P. Dadioti, P. Benakis.    Helicobacter pylori and histology of the gastric mucosa. Correlation with endoscopic and clinical picture.    Enfermedades Digestivas, 1990, 78: 67 (Suppl: 1).

  21. J.K. Triantafillidis, K. Papatheodorou, K. Manousakis, P. Benakis, D. Nicolakis, J. Mouzas. Surveillance programme following radical resection for colorectal cancer.    Anticancer Research 1990, 10: 1431.

  22. J.K. Triantafillidis, D. Nicolakis, P. Benakis, E. Merikas, P. Dadioti, E. Georgacila.    High doses of 5-aminosalicylic acid enemas in chronic radia-tion proctitis – comparison with betamethazone enemas.    Anticancer Research 1990, 10:1432.

  23. J.K. Triantafillidis, P. Benakis, D. Nicolakis, D. Pappas, P. Kaldremidis, K. Papatheodorou, G. Protoulis, C. Tsafaras, G. Karaiskos.    Thyroid function in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.    Hepatogastroenterology, 1990 (Suppl II, Vol 37: p.A16).

  24. J.K. Triantafillidis, D. Nicolakis, P. Benakis, P. Dadioti, O. Tsaida, E. Merikas, K. Manousakis.    High doses of 5-aminosalicylic acid enemas in moderate left ulcerative colitis.    Hepato-gastroenterology 1990, (Suppl II), Vol 37 p. A18.

  25. H. Tsavalias, C. Papasteriades, J. K. Triantafillidis, A. Emmanouilidis, J. Economidou, O. Manousos.    HLA-A and B antigens and benign colorectal polyps.    Anticancer Research 1990, 10:1441.

  26. J.K. Triantafillidis, P. Dadioti, D. Nicolakis, O. Tsalda, P. Benakis, E. Merikas.    High doses of 5-aminosalicylic acid enemas in moderate active ulcerative colitis. Comparison with betamethasone enemas.    Italian J Gastroenterology 1991, 23:649.  Oral presentation  International Meeting on IB. Roma Italy 15-17/12/1991

  27. J.K. Triantafillidis, O.N. Manousos, A. Emmanouilidis, C. Papadimitriou.    Crohn's dise’se in Greece: Epidemiological and clinical data.  (Oral presentation)    International Cooperative Meeting on Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Rome,Italy, 15-17/12/1991 

  28. E. Protopappa, J.K. Triantafillidis, K. Tsioumas, D. Nicolakis.      Granulomas and microgranulomas in Crohn's dise’se: value of serial sectioning.    Ital J Gastroenterology 1991,23:627. International Cooperative Meeting on Inflammatory Bowel Disease Rome, Italy, December 15-17, 1991.

  29. J.K. Triantafillidis, D. Tsicalakis, P. Dadioti, O. Tsaida, A. Hatzivassiliou, D. Nicolakis.    Short chain fatty acid irrigation in Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Preliminary report.    Italian J Gastroenterol 1991;23: 617. Interna-tional Meeting on IBD Rome, Italy, 15-17/12/1991.

  30. G. Mountaneas, J.K. Triantafillidis, M. Patrani, E. Kogevinas, K. Papatheodorou.    Cancer risk in first degree relatives of patients with colorectal cancer: a case control sudy in Greece.  5th International Symposium on Colorectal Cancer-Biology and management of high risk groups. 24-26/9/1991, Turin, Italy, Abstracts book p. 14.

  31. J.K. Triantafillidis, J. Karra, E. Pomonis, D. Papagrigoriou, P. Koutsioumba, D. Nicolakis, H. Chrissochoou.    Reduced serum and red blood cell levels of vitamin B12 and folic acid in patients with ulcerative colitis. Eur J Clin Investig 1992,22:105 (p art II).

  32. J.K. Triantafillidis, P. Natsis, A. Emmanouilidis, D. Nicolakis, P. Cherakakis.    Gallium-67 abdomen schintigraphy in the evaluation of patients with Crohn's dise’se.    2nd Meditaranean Medical Meeting, Athens, Greece, 22-25/6/1992 Abstract's book’p. 102. Oral presentation-discussion

  33. J.K. Triantafillidis, D. Nicolakis, K. Papatheodorou, K. Manoussakis, K. Mountaneas, E. Merikas.    Short and long-term results of the use of ornidazole in the active Crohn's dise’se: Comparison with metronidazole.  3rd IGSC Meeting of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists Padua, Italy, 24-27/6/1992, Abstract's book’p. 353.

  34. P. Cheracakis, J.K. Triantafillidis, S. Ladas, G. Erotocritou.    Omeprazole vs H2 blockers in the treatment of complicated (bleeding) peptic ulcer.    1st United European Gastroenterology Di-sease Week, Sept 25-30, 1992, Athens, Greece, Abstract's book’p. 45.

  35. J.K. Triantafillidis, P. Cheracakis, E. Kogevinas, K. Tsamakidis, O.N. Manousos.    Non-Smoking: a feature of bleeding peptic ulcer.    First United European Gastroenterology Disease Week, 25-30/9/ 1992, Athens, Greece. Abastract's book’ p. 359

  36. J.K. Triantafillidis, O.N. Manousos, E. Pomonis, A. Emmanouilidis, C. Papadimitriou, S. Baratsis.    Quality of life of patients with ulcerative colitis 6 and 13 years postoperatively.    First United European Gastroenterology Disease Week, 25-30/9/1992, Athens, Greece, Abstract's book’ p.359.

  37. J.K. Triantafillidis, S. Baratsis, O. Manousos, A. Emmanouilidis, E. Pomonis, E. Yiannadakis.    Quality of life of patients with ileoanal anastomosis: Comparison with ileorectal anastomosis.    Annal de Chirurgie 1992, 46 (10): 16-17.

  38. J. Karagiannis, K. Kehagioglou, G. Nikou, J. Poulatzas, T. Rokkas, J.K. Triantafillidis, K. Arvanitakis.    Pancreatic carcinoma in Greece. an overview:   International J Pancreatology 1992, 12:100. 5th Meeting of the International Association of Pancreatology and Fourth Meetin of the IPCSG, Athens, Greece, 22-24/9/1992.

  39. Bouros D, Samiou M, Triantafillidis JK, Tsoukalas G, Tzanakis N,  Siafakas N.   Pulmonary function tests in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.    European Respiratory Society Meeting. Vienna, Aug 29 – Sept 3, 1992. Abstract: Eur Respir J. 1992;5(Supp  l 15):332s.   Abstract A.R.R.D.  Maiami, USA  1992.

  40. J.K. Triantafillidis, O. Manousos, A. Emmanouilidis, D. Nicolakis, E. Pomonis, C. Papadimitriou, P. Cheracakis.    Emergency surgery for Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Greece.    XVIIth National Congress of the Societatea Romana De Chirurgie. Iasi, 23-27 May 1993, Romania, Abstracts book p.86-87.

  41. J.K. Triantafillidis, K. Papatheodorou, K. Kogevinas, K. Manoussakis, D. Nicolakis.    Prognostic factors affecting su-rvival of patients with colore-ctal cancer: Significance of delayed hypersensitivity skin reactions and nutritional status    II United European Gastroenterology Week, Barcelona, Spain, 19-24/7/1993, Abstract's book’p.A126.

  42. J.K. Traintafillidis, P. Cheracakis, F Georgiacodis, J. Smyrlis, D. Nicolakis.    Risk of Upper GI bleeding among ex-smokers.    II United European Gastroenterology Week, Barcelona, Spain, 19-24/7/1993, Abstract's book’p.A266.

  43. C. Farfarelos, A. Nicolaou, D. Nicolakis, G. Giokas, J.K. Triantafillidis, B. Lissaios.    Total Parenteral Nutrition and bowel rest in the management of Crohn's dise’se.    Hepatogastroenterology 1993. Edition Espanola, Vol III Suplemento 1, p. 199. 4th World Congress IGC.  Oral presentation

  44. B. Govosdis, A. Tsami-Pandi, J.K. Triantafillidis, P. Cheracakis, C. Barbatzas.    Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in dental plaque and saliva of patients with active duodenal ulcer.  This paper was selected among the submitted abstracts for special presentation and discussion     Hepatogastroenterology (Edition Espanola) Vol III Suplemento 1 1993, p.47-48. 4th World Congress IGC, Madrid, Spain, 27-30/10/1993. Oral Presentation in special room with discussion. 

  45. J.K. Triantafillidis, P. Cheracakis, E. Konstadellou, C. Barbatzas, B. Govosdis.    Serum levels of tumor necrosis factor. C-reactive protein. Complement Immunoglobulin. ATgl and anti TPA in patients with bleeding duodenal ulcer. Oral Presentation with discussion.    Hepatogastroenterology (Edition Espanola) Vol III Suplemento 1 1993, p.298.  4th World Congress International Gastrosurgical Club. Madrid. Spain. 27-30/10/1993.  

  46. P. Cheracakis, J.K. Triantafillidis, C. Barbatzas, B. Govosdis, S. Ladas.    Follow-up of patients with bleeding duodenal ulcer: preliminary results concerning 76 consequtive patients.  Oral Presentation with discussion. Hepatogastroenterology (Edition Espanola) Vol III, 1993 Sumplemento 1, p.43-44. 4th World Congress International Gastrosurgical Club, Madrid, Spain, 27-30/10/1993.  

  47. B. Govosdis, J.K. Triantafillidis, A. Tsami-Pandi, P. Cheracakis, C. Barbatzas.    Effect of the administration of Omeprazole plus amoxicilline on the rate of Helicobacter pylori eradication from dental plaque and saliva of patients with active duodenal ulcer.   3rd United European Gastroenterology Week, June 25-29, 1994, Oslo, Norway, Vol of Proceedings p.N: 1513.  Oral presentation

  48. J.K. Triantafillidis, C. Barbatzas, D. Tsicalakis, P. Dadioti, G. Stamoulis. B. Theologi, P. Cheracakis, B. Govosdis.    Alterations of Gastrin mucus composition in patients with bleeding duodenal ulcer.    10th World Congresses of Gastroenterology, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. 2-7/10/1994, Vol of Proceedings p.N. 1344.

  49. B. Govosdis, J.K. Triantafillidis, A. Tsami-Pandi, P. Cheracakis, C. Barbatzas.    Comparison of the effect of the administration of omeprarole plus amoxycilline on the helicobacter pylori eradication from dental plague and saliva of patients with active duodenal ulcer. 10th World Congresses of Gastroenterology, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., 2-7/10/1994, Vol of Proceedings p.N. 66

  50. D. Nicolakis, J.K. Triantafillidis, A. Emmanouilidis, O. Manousos, M. Kogevinas.      Crohn's Dise’se in Greece: A clinicoepidemiological and follow-up study of 155 cases.     10th World Congresses of Gastroenterology, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., 2-7/10/1994, Vol of Proceedings p.N.:533

  51. J.K. Triantafillidis, A. Emmanouilidis, O. Manousos, E. Pomonis, C. Papadimitriou.    Ulcerative colitis in Greece: A clinicoepidemiological and follow-up study of 413 cases. 10th World Congresses of Gastroenterology, Los Angeles California U.S.A., 2-7/10/1994, Vol of Proceedings p.N.:532.

  52. J. K. Triantafillidis, E. Konstantellou, E. Rokka, C. barbatzas, P. Cheracakis, B. Govosdis.    Prevalence of IgG and IgA se-rum antibodies against Heli-cobacter pylori in hospital workers. European J Clinical Investigation 1995, 25(Suppl 2): A15

  53. J. K. Triantafillidis, G. Kottaras, S. Sgouros, P. Cheracakis, G. Driva, E. Samouilidou,  A. Parasi.       a-b-lipoproteinemia: Clinicoepidemiological features and natural history of three Greek patients.    64th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society, Utrecht, Nether-lands, 10-13/6/1995.  Atherosclerosis 1995 , 115 (Suppl ) S70 (p7 apolipoprotein)

  54. J. K. Triantafillidis, D. Nicolakis, A. Antoniou, K. Papatheodorou, P. Cheracakis.      Ornidazole in the active Crohn’s disease : Short-term results    4th United European Gastroenterology Disease Week. Berlin, Sept 1995.

  55. Rosen S, Reid BJ, Levine D, Rabinovitch PS, Aldape H, Triantafillidis J.K.    Comparative features of Barrett’s esophagus between private practice and university hospital patients    Hell. J Gastroenterology, 1995 (Suppl), 8: Abs 167

  56. Rosen S, Rabinovitch H, Aldape H, Triantafillidis J.K.      Barrett’s esophagus: Clinical, histopathological and flow-cytometric features in a private hospital setting.    Hell J Gastroenterology,  1995;8: (Suppl) :A166

  57. J. K. Triantafillidis, A. Emmanouilidis, M. Kogevinas, D. Nicolakis, P. Cheracakis, B. Govosdis, E. Pomonis.    Surgery for Crohn’s disease in Greece.  Oral presentation with discussion    7th World Congress International Gastro-surgical Club, 26-30/6/ 1996 Budapest, Hungary. 

  58. J.K Triantafillidis, B. Govosdis, E. Konstantellou, D. Tzourmakliotis, C. Barbatzas, P. Cheracakis,  D. Nikolakis, A. Vathiotis, E. Pomonis.    Fasting serum Growth hormone, Somatomedine (IGF-1) and gastrin levels in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.  Falk Symposium No 96 “IBD - From bench to bedside” October 30 - November 1, 1996 Freiburg, Germany  p 91

  59. Α. Papadopoulou, E. Stamatopoylou, P. Froudakis, E. Galakou, J.K. Triantafillidis.    Dietary habits in healthy Greek students oral presentation with discussion    4th Mediterranean Medical Congress, Limassol Cyprus, 13-17/11/1996. Volume of Abstracts, page 24. 

  60. Zervou-Valvi F, J. K. Triantafillidis, I. Kakarantza-Angelopoulou, C. Barbatzas, P. Pilalitos, A. Mitsopoulos, P. Cheracakis.      Oral lesions in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. oral presentation with discussion. 4th Mediterranean Medical Congress, Limassol, Cyprus, 13-17/11/1996, Volume of Abstracts, page 37. 

  61. Β. Govosdis, J. K. Triantafillidis, P. Cheracakis, C. Barbatzas, Z. Plaitakis, K. Delis, E. Merikas, A. Zervakakis.      Efficacy of the topical application of 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids.    Falk Symposium No 97 “Clinical challenges in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Diagnosis, Prognosis and Trea-tment”, 18-19/4/1997, Lugano, Switzerland.

  62. J. K. Triantafillidis, Helen Choremi, H. Giannoudaki, P. Cheracakis, G. Kottaras.      HLA pattern in Greek patients with a-b-lipoproteinemia. 1st Balkan and South eastern European Congress on Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. 6-9/6/1997, Thessaloniki, Greece.

  63. J. K. Triantafillidis, Govosdis V, Manioudaki E, Parasi A, Sotiriou E, Belesi C, Cheracakis P, Barbatzas Ch.    Dysplasia and aneuploidy of the gastric mucosa of patients operated on for benign stomach disorders. Oral presentation    XX Eurpopean Federation Congress of the International College of Surgeons. 17-20/9/1997 Athens, Greece. 

  64. J.K. Triantafillidis, M. Tserkezou, C. Spiliadi, P. Cheracakis, T. Lariou, C. Barbatzas, S. Spandidos, B. Govosdis.    Evaluation of the ras, myc and jun oncoproteins in patients with ulcerative colitis.    Digestion 1998, (Suppl 3) : p.140

  65. J. K. Triantafillidis, H. Manioudaki, A. Parasi, V. Govosdis, H. Sotiriou, C. Belesi, P. Cheracakis, C. Barbatzas.      Dysplasia and ploidy of the gastric mucosa of patients operated on for benign stomach disorders: The role of H. pylori Infection.    Digestion 1998, (Suppl 3), p. 394.

  66. P. Cheracakis, J.K. Triantafillidis, S. Ladas, J. Smyrlis, B. Govosdis, C. Barbatzas, E. Pomonis.    Natural history of bleeding duodenal ulcer in relation with consumption of NSADs and Helicobacter pylori infection    5th Mediterranean Medical Congress 25-27/9/1998 , Samos, Greece, Abstracts’ Book p. 24.

  67. J.K. Triantafillidis, G. Driva, E. Konstandellou, P. Cheracakis, C. Barbatzas, E. Pomonis, B. Govosdis, D. Nicolakis.    The peros administration of ornidazole does not affect the immunological parameters of normal subjects.    5th Mediterranean Medical Congress 25-27/ 9/1998, Samos, Greece, Abstract’s Book p. 63.

  68. M. Dizos, D. Voutsinas, E. Rinioti, P. Cheracakis, C. Barbatzas, J.Κ. Triantafillidis, N. Galanakis.      Risk for rebleeding of patients admitted with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. 5th Mediterranean Medical Congress 25-27/9/1998, Samos, Abstract’s Book p. 58.

  69. J.K. Triantafillidis, C. Barbatzas, P. Cheracakis, D. Tsikalakis, P. Dadioti, D. Nicolakis, G. Stamoulis, B. Theologi. B. Govosdis.   Total phospholipid and sialic acid gastric juice concentration in patients with bleeding peptic ulcer: Correlation with Helicobacter pylori infection. 5th Mediterranean Medical Congress 25-27/9/1998, Samos, Greece Abstracts’ Book p. 76.

  70. J.K. Τriantafillidis, Sambani K, Choremi H, Cheracakis P, Konstandellou H, Christodoulou M, E.Samouilidou    Cytogenetic studies and HLA pattern in Greek patients with a,β,lipoproteinemia.    7th United European Gastroenterology Week, Roma, Italy, 11,1999. Gut (Suppl V): 1999;45:A234.

  71. Hereti I, P. Cheracakis, H. Mani-oudaki, A. Parasi, Ch. Belesi, B. Govosdis, H. Sotiriou, N. Laoutaris, J.K. Triantafillidis.   Dysplasia and ploidy of the gastric mucosa of patients operated-on for benign gastric disorders: The role of Helicobacter pylori infection.    1st European Congress on Gastrointestinal Oncology, Ann Gastroenterol 2000 (Suppl I); 13:123.

  72. Th. Peppas, M. Raso, S. Bous-boulas, E. Tamvakos, A. Kritzas, I. Paraskevaidis, J.K. Triantafillidis, S.I. Pappas.   Gastrointestinal, hepatic and pancreatic malignancy in famous persons.    1st European Congress on Gastrointestinal Oncology, Ann Gastroenterol (Suppl I), 2000;13:127.

  73. Hereti I, N. Argyros, E. Pomonis, D. Nicolakis, A. Emmanouilidis, E. Merikas, P. Cheracakis, J.K. Triantafillidis.    Colorectal cancer in Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Greece. 1st European Congress on Gastrointestinal Oncology    Ann Gastroenterol 2000(Suppl I);13:152.

  74. Emmanouilidis, E. Merikas, J. Smyrlis, P. ChIraIakis, I. HeIeti, N. Argyros, E. Pomonis, B. Govosdis, J.K. Triantafillidis.   Prospective follow-up study of patients with colorectal polyps undergoing endoscopic polypectomy. 1st European Congress on Gastrointestinal Oncology, Ann Gastroenterol 2000(Suppl I),13:158.

  75. Emmanouilidis, E. Merikas, J.K. Triantafillidis, J. Smyrlis, V. Dimou, Ch. Barbatzas, I Hereti, N. Argyros, E. Karra, M. Tserkezou.    Malignant colorectal polyps: clinicoepidemiological features and outcome in 24 patients. 1st European Congress on Gastrointestinal Oncology, Ann Gastroenterol 2000(Suppl I),13:158

  76. G. Mountaneas, P. Benakis, G. protoulis, Th. Antonadou, N. Throubalas, P. Cheracakis, I. Here-ti, N. Argyros, J.K. Triantafillidis.    Radiation enteritis: Results of therapeutic manipulations on 20 patients.    1st European Congress on gastrointestinal Oncology, Ann Gastroenterol 2000(Suppl I);13:159

  77. M. Tserkezou, D. Spandidos, J.K. Triantafillidis, Ch. Spiliadi, P. Cheracakis, T. lariou, Ch. Barbatzas, I. Hereti, N. Argyros, B. Govosdis, E. Anagnostakis.    Evaluation of the expression of Ras, Myc and Jun oncoproteins in patients with active ulcerative colitis.    1st European Congress on Gastrointestinal Oncology, Ann Gastroenterol 2000(Suppl I);13:159

  78. J.K. Triantafillidis, K. Manoussakis, K. Papatheo-dorou, P. Benakis, J. Pagidis, Ch. Tsafaras, G. Mountaneas.    Prospective study of the nutritional and immune status of patients with colorectal cancer: Correlation with one-year recurrence rate. 1st European Congress on Gastrointestinal Oncology, Ann Gastroentertol 2000(Suppl I);13:160

  79. P. Cheracakis, S. Sgouros, N. Argyros, I. Hereti, A. Parasi, H. Horemi, M. Tserkezou, J.K. Triantafillidis.    Severe malnutrition in a patient with a-chain disease: Favorable response to peros administration of tetracy ecurrent mmtal parenteral nutrition. 1st European Congress on Gastrointestinal oncology. Ann Gastroenterol 2000(Suppl I);13:180.

  80. P. Cheracakis, J. Smyrlis, I. Hereti, N. Argyros, V. Govosdis, J.K. Triantafillidis.    Natural history of bleeding duodenal ulcer: a follow-up study of 134 cases. Gut 2000 (Suppl III):P126

  81. J.K. Triantafillidis, J. Iakovidou, E. Manioudaki, A. Papalois, V. Govosdis, P. Cheracakis, C. Belesi, O. Tzaida, N. Laoutaris, P. Dadioti. Influence of various concentra-tions of cholic acid and ursodeo-xycholic acid on histology, ploidy and rate of cell proliferation of rat large bowel mucosa.    Gut 2000;47 (Suppl III): P1022

  82. J. K. Triantafillidis, P. Cheracakis, A. Gikas, Th. Hyphantis, Th. Rokkas, H. Konstantellou, N. Argyros.    Factors influencing the seroconversion of the previously Helicobacter pylori negative hospital workers.    Gut 2000 (Suppl III):P297

  83. P. Cheracakis, J.K. Triantafillidis, A. Gikas, Th. Hyphantis, Th. Rokkas, H. Konstantellou, N. Argyros, V. Govosdis, E. Pomonis.   Symptoms from the digestive system and Helicobacter pylori infection in hospital workers. Gut 2000;47(Suppl III):P286.

  84. Ι. Andreadou, A. Papalois, J.K. Triantafillidis, M. Demonakou, V. Govosdis, P. Cheracakis, P.N. Kourounakis.    Beneficial effect of a novel non-steroidal antiinf ecurrent mmatorywith basic character and antioxidant properties on experimental colitis in rats.   Gut 2000;47(Suppl III):P863

  85. Katerina Papathoma, The Hellenic Rabeprazole Study Group.    The effectiveness and safety of rabeprazole in clinical practice. Gut 2000;47(Suppl III):P410.

  86. J.K. Triantafillidis, M. Sklavaina, P. Cheracakis, K. Apostolopoulou, O. Manousos.    Efficacy and safety of retreatment with infliximab to maintain remission in patients with Crohn’s disease.    VI International Sym-posium on Inflammatory Bowel Disease, 3-5/9, 2001, Istanbul, Turkey, Abstracts’ Book, No 125.

  87. J.K. Triantafillidis, V. Govosdis, P. Cheracakis, D. Tzourmakliotis, Ch. Barbatzas, M. Sklavaina.    Serum levels of growth hormone and somatomedine C(IGF-1) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.    10th UEGW Geneva 19-23/10/2002, Gut: (Suppl):

  88. J. K. Triantafillidis, V. Govosdis, E. Konstantellou, P. Cheracakis, C. Barbatzas, D. Tzourmakliotis, M. Sklavaina.    Increased fasting serum levels of gastrin and growth hormone in patients with stomach and large bowel cancer.Oral presεntation with discussion    Hepatogastroenterology 2002;(Suppl II),49:OP151

  89. J.K. Triantafillidis, V. Govosdis, D. Tzourmakliotis, Ch. Barbatzas, P. Cheracakis, A. Gikas, E. Konstantellou.    Serum gastrin levels in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Hepatogastroenterology 2002 (Suppl II);49:P072).

  90. J.K. Triantafillidis, D. Georgakopoulos, K. Sofroniadou, P. Cheracakis, M. Sklavaina, A. Gikas, G. Tzanninis, E. Konstantellou.  Relation between Helicobacter pylori infection, thyroid hormone levels and cardiovascular risk factors on normal individuals. Hepatogastroenterology 2002 (Suppl II);49:p338.

  91. A. Archimandritis, K. Arvanitakis, J. Triantafillidis, E. Tsianos, V. Tzias for the Hellenic Rabeprazole Study Group.    Analysis of acute symptom relief with rabeprazole. 2002

  92. J.K. Triantafillidis, A.E. Papalois, A. Parassi, P. Cheracakis, E. Anagnostakis, M. Karagianni, E. Sotiriou, O.N. Manousos.   Favorable response of experimental colitis to infliximab subcutaneous administration in rats. This study was selected for oral presentation among the 40 best papers submitted to the congress    Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2003;9(SupplI):S41 

  93. N. Antonakopoulos, I. Kyrlaghitsis, J.A. Karagiannis, J.K. Triantafillidis, D.G. Karamanolis.    Cyclic chemoprevention with rifaximin prevent from relapses of diverticulitis: a multicenter randomized study in Greek population. Gut 2004;53 (Suppl No VI):A137.

  94. F. Georgopoulos, I. Iakovidou, A. Karakosta, A. Parassi, J.K. Triantafillidis.    Recurrence of gastric lymphoma 15 years after successful surgical resection: diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations. 2nd International Congress on Gastrointestinal Oncology, 23-25/6/ 2005, Santorini, Greece. Ann Gastroenterol 2005;18:244

  95. P. Cheracakis, M. Tzouvala, A. Parasi, A. Karambelis, A. Cheracakis, M. Mylonaki, A. Mastrangelis, A.J. Triantafillidis, J.K. Triantafillidis.    Primary esophageal melanoma (EM): Diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations.    2nd International Congress on Gastrointe-stinal Oncology, 23-25/6/2005, Santorini, Greece. Ann Gastroenterol 2005;18:265

  96. J.K. Triantafillidis, A. Papalois, P. Dadioti, A. Gikas, E. Merikas, G. Peros. The effect of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) on experimental colon cancer in rats.    Gut 2005;54 (Suppl 1):A141.

  97. M. Michalatos, A. Apessos, I. Tsirkas, JK. Triantafillidis et al. Genetic alterations in hereditary colorectal cancer in a Greek cohort. p. 349 2005 October 29

  98. J.K. Triantafillidis, M. Michalatos, A. Apessos, K. Petropoulos, I. Danielidis, G. Nasioulas.    Ethical issues related to genetic testing of families with Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer and familial adenomatosis-polyposis syndrome. 2nd European Symposium Ethics in Gastroenterology and digestive endoscopy. July 6-8, 2006, Kos, Greece.

  99. J.K. Triantafillidis.    Screening and Prevention of Colorectal Cancer.    Volume  of proceedings 8th Mediterranean Medical Congress, 4th Mediterranean Summer School. 27-28 May 2006, Izmir, Turkey.

  100. Ph. Georgopoulos, A. Mastragelis, G. Malgarinos, E. Georgopoulou, J.K. Triantafillidis     Is ERCPsuccess rate affected by the presence of periampulary diverticulumin patients with suspected choledocholithiasis? AB 300 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Volume 63, N0 3, 2006

  101. M. Michalatos, A. Apessos, I. Tsikras, J. Danieledes, G. Kalimanis, N.J. Agnantis, J.K. Triantafillidis, S. Papadopoulos, G. Fountzilas, B.A. Georgoulias, P.A. Kosmidis, G. Nasioulas.    Genetic alterations in hereditary colorectal cancer in a Greek cohort.     PREDICTIVE AND PREVENTIVE ONCOLOGY ROOM C FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29

  102. M. Mylonaki, M. Sklavaina, A. Mastrangelis, G. Malgarinos, F. Georgopoulos, A. Parassi, G. Drakoulis, G. Peros, P. Cherakakis, J.K. Triantafillidis    Early gastric cancer, atrophic gastritis and autoimmune hepatitis in the same patient: a very rare combination Digestive Oncology 2007

  103. J.K. Triantafillidis et al.    Chemotherapy after segmental colectomy performed for colon cancer, developing on the course of ulcerative colitis does not adversely affect the course of the underlying inflammatory bowel disease    Digestive Oncology 2007

  104. O.N. Manousos, J. Economidou, J.K. Triantafillidis, A. Karameris, N. Kafasi    Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease with 40-years follow-up: a case of cured a-chain disease with recurrent lympho-plasmacytic tumors of the small intestine (MALT lymphoma)    Digestive Oncology 2007 

  105. F. Gavresea, P. Kaltsa, P. Dadioti, E. Karabela, A. Papalois, H. Triantafillidis, A. Triantafillidis, J. Loukopoulos, A. Gikas, J.K. Triantafillidis    Beneficial effect of probiotics on experimental colon cancer in rats    Digestive Oncology 2007

  106. JK. Triantafillidis, Flora Zevou, E. Merikas, P. Cherakakis, G. Peros    Granulomatous cheilitis in a patient with Crohn’s disease: A pictorial follow-up description.     IBD 2007 – Achievements in research and clinical practice, May 4-5, 2007, Istanbul,Turkey Vol. of Proceedings p. 120

  107. J.K. Triantafillidis, A. Stamataki, A. Gikas, P. Cgeracakis, E. Papavasilliou, F. Georgopoulos, G. Malgarinos, J. Fouskas   Beneficial effect of a polymeric feed, rich in TGF-β on adult patients with active Crohn’s disease: A pilot study    IBD 2007 – Achievements in research and clinical practice, May 4-5, 2007, Istanbul,Turkey Vol. Proceedings p. 121

  108. A. Papalois, JK. Triantafillidis, K. Barbatis, V. Govosdis, E. Merikas, A. Gikas, A. Nomikos, L. Ampou-Asampe, Helen Triantafillidis, Aikaterini Cheracakis, Eleftheria Karampela, A. Papadopoulou. Favorable response to subcutaneous administration of growth factors in experimental colitis in rats.    IBD 2007 – Achievements in research and clinical practice, May 4-5, 2007, Istanbul,Turkey Vol. Proceedings p. 93

  109. Margarita Octoratou, J. K. Triantafillidis, G. Peros   Food consumption and nutritional status in newly diagnosed patients with Crohn’s disease: A prospective study    15th United European Gastroenterology Week Paris 27-31/10/2007 Gut 2007;56(Suppl III) A130

  110. J. K. Triantafillidis, Α. Papalois, Κ. Barbatis, V. Govosdis, E. Merikas, Α. Gikas, Α. Νοmikos, L. Αmpou-Asampe, Helen Triantafillidis, Α. Cheracakis, Μaria Kontogiorgi.    Favorable response to subcutaneous administration of growth factors in experimental colitis in rats 15th United European Gastroenterology Week Paris 27-31/10/2007 A123

  111. J.K. Triantafillidis, P. Cheracakis, M. Mylonaki, F. Georgopoulos, A. Stamataki, G. Peros.    Infections from virouses, microbes and parasites in patients with inflammatory bowel disease:  A 15 years’ experience. 3rd ECCO Congress, Lyon, France, February 28 – March 1, 2008.

  112. P. Cheracakis, E. Dimitroulia, A. Triantafillidi, G. Malgarinos, C. Malli, J. Fouskas, V. Panteris, Μ. Mylonaki, F. Georgopoulos, J.K. Triantafillidis  Epstein-Barr infection of the colon in a patient with severe first attack of ulcerative colitis  Hepatogastroenterology Supplement I 2008;55:A154 (P109)

  113. J.K. Triantafillidis, G. Mantzaris, J. Karagiannis, E. Papavasiliou, G. Papatheodoridis, J. Fouskas, A. Gikas, K. Papamichael, Nikoletta Mathou, E. Symboulakis, D. Karamanolis    The efficacy of adalimumab does not differ in patients with Crohn’s disease, either naïve to biologic agents or with prior loss of response or intolerance to infliximab  Oral presentation   Hepatogastroenterology Supplement I 2008;55:A96 (OP229)

  114. J.K. Triantafillidis, G. Malgarinos, Chrissa Malli, J. Fouskas, Maria Mylonaki, F. Georgopoulos, V. Panteris, P. Cheracakis, G. Peros Efficacy and safety of long-term infliximab administration in a Greek hospital setting    Hepatogastroenterology Supplement I 2008;55:A305 (P478)

  115. F. Georgopoulos, J. Fouskas, G. Malgarinos, C. Malli, V. Panteris, Maria Mylonaki, P. Cheracakis, G. Peros, J.K. Triantafillidis Intraabdominal abscesses in patients with Crohn’s disease: clinical data and therapeutic manipulations in 17 cases Hepatogastroenterology Supplement I 2008;55:A306 (P479)

  116. I. Vlachos, M. Coccosis, P. Theophilou, C. Goumas, G. Malgarinos, J.K. Triantafillidis, P. Stamati, G. Papadimitriou     Levels of anxiety, depression and quality of life in inflammatory bowel bisease patients    XIV World Congress of Psychiatry, 20-25 September 2008, Prague, Czech Republic

  117. I. Vlachos, M. Coccossis, C. Bar-bati, C. Goumas, L. Nimikou, J.K. Triantafillidis, G. Malgarinos, G.N. Papadimitriou, E. Patsouris, P. Nicolopoulou    Anxiety, depression, quality of life related to induction of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70i) in biopsies of inflammatory bowel disease patients.    European Psychiatry 2009;24(Suppl 1):S555. 17th EPA Congress Lisbon Portugal, January 2009 

  118. G. Thodi, F. Fostira, J.K. Triantafillidis, M. Mylonaki, G. Fountzilas, A. Grivas, D. Yannoukakos.     Mutational analysis of Greek putative HNPCC families.    4th International Congress of GI Oncology May 22-24, 2009, Athens Greece. Digestive Oncology 2009;9:111

  119. A. Tsepelaki, I. Kirkilesis, V. Katsiva, J.K. Triantafillidis, K. Vagianos.    Biliary cystadenoma of the liver: case report and systematic review of the literature    4th International Congress of GI Oncology May 22-24, 2009, Athens Greece Digestive Oncology 2009;9:112

  120. V. Panteris, H. Sotiriou, E. Merikas, G. Peros, J.K. Triantafillidis, Ch. Malli, G. Malgarinos    Gastric outlet obstruction mimicking gastric malignancy in an immunocompromised patient.    4th International Congress of GI Oncology May 22-24, 2009, Athens Greece Digestive Oncology 2009;9:115

  121. J.K. Triantafillidis, P. Kosmidis, A. paplois, I. Skourta, I. Tountas, E. Spanos, F. Karkanis.    Screening for colorectal cancer in Greece: results of prospective study performed on March 2008.    4th International Congress of GI Oncology May 22-24, 2009, Athens Greece Digestive Oncology 2009;9:117

  122. F. Georgopoulos, P. Ioannidis, Ch. Malli, A. Tsepelaki, G. Malgarinos, J. Fouskas, P. Cheracakis, M. Mylonaki, K. Vagianos, J.K. Triantafillidis.    Emergency placement of self-expandable stent in patients with obstructive ileus due to large bowel cancer: a Greek single centre’s experience    4th International Congress of GI Oncology May 22-24, 2009, Athens Greece Digestive Oncology 2009;9:117-118

  123. O.N. Manousos, J. Economidou, J.K. Triantafillidis, A. karameris, N. Kafasi    Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease with 40 years follow-up. A case of cured α-chain disease with reccure ecurrentplasmacitic tumors of the small intestine (MALT lymphoma).    4th International Congress of GI Oncology May 22-24, 2009, Athens Greece Digestive Oncology 2009;9:130-131

  124. G. Tsambra, F. Georgopoulos, S. Sakkas, P. Chiou, E. Barbanou, V. Panteris, G. Malgarinos, E. Athanasiadou, J.K. Triantafillidis.  Malignant bile duct obstruction: Comparison of cytology and biopsy data: a Greek single centre’s experience  4th International Congress of GI Oncology May 22-24, 2009, Athens Greece Digestive Oncology 2009;9:131

  125. J.K. Triantafillidis, A. Stamataki, V. Karagianni, G. Malgarinos.    Long-term effect of a polymeric feed, rich in TGF-β on adult patients with Crohn’s disease: comparison with peros administration of mesalamine.     31st ESPEN Congress 29 August-1 September 2009, Vienna, Austria.

  126. A. Gioxari, A. Kaliora, A. Papalois, G. Agrogiannis, J. Triantafillidis, N. Andrikopoulos    Regulation of intestinal inflammation in TNBS-treated rats by Pistacia lentiscus    ESMO Conference: World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer June 30-July 3, 2010, Barcelona, Spain

  127. J. Triantafillidis, D. Karamanolis, G. Kitis, E. Ernault, G. Mantzaris.    Certolizumab pegol 400 mg rapidly reduced the signs and symptoms of Crohn’s disease in greek patients who previously failed infliximab therapy.    Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course, October 15-20, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Poster Number 1128 October 19, 2010.

  128. J.K. Triantafillidis, Helen Triantafillidis, Kazakidis P, Fakou A, Gikas A, Karagianni V, Loukopoulos J, Merikas E, Papavassiliou E. The diagnostic value of magnetic enteroclysis in Crohn’s disease patients: comparisons with CT, trandermal ultrasound and small bowel follow-through.    6th Congress of E.C.C.O., Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2011, Dublin, Ireland February 24-26, 2011.

  129. G. Douvi, A. Papalois, H. Triantafillidis, J. Loukopoulos, J.K. Triantafillidis    Mesalazine and prednizolone can ameliorate the harmful effects of peros administration of iron in experimental colitis in rats, while the biologic agents infliximab and adalimumab can not.    6th Congress of E.C.C.O. Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2011, Dublin, Ireland February 24-26, 2011.

  130. H. Triantafillidis, A. papalois, K. Barbatiw, J. Loukopoulos, A. Gikas, J. Triantafillidis.    treatment with CSF and GSF growth factors improves experimental colitis in rats.    7th Congress of E.C.C.O. Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2011, Barcelona, Spain, February 16-18, 2012.

  131. F. Georgopoulos, N. Athanasopoulos, G. Penesis, I. Kavarnou, S. Sevastopoulos, J. Triantafillidis. Selective biliary cannulation using the double guide wire technique: Success rate and complications.    2013, United European Gastroenterology Week 2012

  132. Fostira F, Apostolou P, Konstantopoulou I, Triantafillidis J.K, Yannoukakos D. Nthl1- and mutyh- associated polyposis in greek patients: extending the mutation and phenotypic spectra 2nd International Meeting on Digastice cancer: Gastric cancer: progress and prospects Athens, Greece 6-7/9/2019

  133. Triantafillidis J., Cherakakis P., Parasi Aik., Sklavaina M., Mastrangelis A. Early gastric cancer, developed on the ground of atrophic gastritis and autoimmune hepatitis: a rare combination worth consideration 2nd International Meeting on Digastice cancer: Gastric cancer: progress and prospects Athens, Greece 6-7/9/2019

  134. Triantafillidis J., Manioudaki H., Parasi Aik., Gikas A. Premalignant histologic lesions and gastric mucosa ploidy in patients operated on for benign stomach disorders: relationship with helicobacter pylori infection status    2nd International Meeting on Digastice cancer: Gastric cancer: progress and prospects Athens, Greece 6-7/9/2019

  135. Apostolou P, Triantafillidis J.K., Konstantopoulou I., Yannoukakos D, Fostira F.   Genetic analysis of diffuse gastric cancer among Greek patients 2nd International Meeting on Digastice cancer: Gastric cancer: progress and prospects Athens, Greece 6-7/9/2019

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