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Νο      Title      Congress      Lecturer/coordinator

  1. Open Court Discussion. “Salicylates”.      International Cooperative Meeting on Inflammatory Bowel Disease.  Roma, Italy, 15-19/12/1991.    Lecturer 

  2. Perianal Crohn’s disease    13rd World Congress of Collegium Internationale Chirurgie Digestivae, 21-24/9/1992, Athens, Greece.    Lecturer 

  3. Live Laparoscopic Surgery.      3rd Postgraduate course on Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic disease.  Athens 8-10/12/1994.  IGSC    Commen-tary Discussion

  4. “Antibiotics in abdominal surgery: Side effects of antibiotics used in Gastroen-terology and abdominal surgery”..    4th World Congress IGSC, Budapest 27/6/1996    Lecturer

  5. Peptic ulcer today Bleeding peptic ulcer: a continuing challenge    4th International Postgraduate course in Hepatobiliary, Pancreatic and Gastric disorders. Athens 5-7/12/1996    Lecturer

  6. Νew frontiers in the diagnosis and management of GI diseases Bleeding Peptic Ulcer : Stigmata of recent haemorrhage    International Postgraduate School of the IGSC and the Laparoscopic school of the association of Hospital surgeons of Italy, Athens Greece 6 December 1997    Lecturer 

  7. Early gastric cancer: Diagnosis.    12th World Congress of International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists. October 30th – November 2nd 2002, Istanbul, Turkey.    Lecturer 

  8. Gastroenteropancreatic endocrine tumors and Gastrointestinal Stro-mal Tumors. Subject: Gastro-intestinal manifestations of GEP endocrine tumors. The role of endoscopy”,    Evoia, 8-10 May 2003    Invited participant in Workshop

  9. “Constipation”    9th Biennial European Congress of Coloproctology, Athens, 31/5/-4/6/ 2003    Coordinator

  10. New Frontiers in Inflammatory Bowel Disease    Avant Garde Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of GI diseases. Athens,  18-20/9/2003    Coordinator

  11. Nocturnal acid breakthrough: consequences and confronting.    Zilele Romano-Italiane De Gastroenterologie si Cultura. Poiana Brasov, 20-24 September, 2003.    Lecturer 

  12. “Chemotherapy for upper GI malignancies: Should it be offered to all patients    2nd European Symposium “Ethics in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy. July 6-8, 2006, Kos Greece    Coordinator

  13. Allergy update    Joint Session of EGE and ACAAI: ACAAI – HSACI Joint Allergy, Athens, 6-9/9/2006    Coordinator 

  14. Screening for colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer screening modalities    Congress of the Serbian Association of Gastroenterologists with International Participation. Beograd, Sava Centar, 24-27 March 2007    Lecturer

  15. Inflammatory bowel disease in Greece    IBD 2007 – Achievements in research and clinical practice, May 4-5 2007, Istanbul, Turkey    Lecturer

  16. Prevention of gastric cancer: screening surveillance and treatment.    1st International Interuniversity Gastroenterology Congress, 29-31 May 2008, Alexandroupolis, Greece    Coordinator

  17. “Infections in inflammatory bowel disease patients: Current aspects”    AI X-lea Congress of the Romanian Association of Gastroenterology Iasi Romania 19-21 June 2008.    Lecturer

  18. Prevention of gastric cancer: screening surveillance and treatment. Chemoprevention.    1st International Interuniversity Gastroenterology Congress, 29-31 May 2008, Alexandroupolis, Greece    Lecturer

  19. Screening and prevention of colorectal cancer    18th World Congress of the IASGO, October 8-11, 2008, Istanbul, Turkey    Coordinator

  20. “Advances in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy of GI tumors.    16th Postgraduate Course of the IASGO. Athens, 13 December 2008    Coordinator

  21. “Screening programs for colorectal cancer in Greece: Present situation and future perspectives”    3rd EUROPEAN COLORECTAL CANCER DAYS: BRNO 2014 – PREVENTION AND SCRRENING 25-26 April 2014, Brno Chech Republic    Lecturer

  22. “Value of CRC prevention and awaraness as a European issue II”    3rd EUROPEAN COLORECTAL CANCER DAYS: BRNO 2014 – PREVENTION AND SCRRENING 25-26 April 2014, Brno, Chech Rep.    Coordinator

  23. Theoretical course: Contrast-enhanced US (GI Tract) What the gastroenterologist expects from US    EUROSON SCHOOL Training in new fields of medical ultrasound, 15-16/2/2014 Athens, Greece    Lecturer

  24. Theoretical part of the course    1st International Teaching Course on GI Endoscopy Athens, Greece 2009    Chairperson

  25. Theoretical part of the course    2nd International Teaching Course on GI Endoscopy Athens, Greece, 2014    Coordinator

  26. Theoretical part of the course    3rd International Teaching Course on GI Endoscopy Athens, Greece, 2015    Chairperson

  27. Lower Gastrointestinal Tract    Euroson 2015 Ultrasound Upgrages, Prevention/ diagnosis/therapy, 27th Congress of EFSUMB6-8/11/2015 Athens Greece    Coordinator

  28. Theoretical part of the course    4th International Teaching Course on GI Endoscopy Athens, Greece, 2016    Chairperson

  29. Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Session    3rd Athens Symposium: Gastrointestinal Cancer: Prevention, Recognition & Management. A primer for physicians 9/7/2016    Chairperson

  30. Theoretical part of the course    5th International Teaching Course on GI Endoscopy Athens, Greece, 2017    Instructor

  31. Theoretical part of the course    6th International Teaching Course on GI endoscopy, Athens, Greece, 3018    Chairperson

  32. Liver-Pancreas Session    4th AISDD Athens International Symposium 2018    Coordinator

  33. Round table Current aspects on the pathogenesis of gastric cancer Gastric microbioma, non-Helicobacter pylori bacteria, and gastric carcinogenesis    Lecturer

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